Knowing a little about a lot, and a lot about a little

About Me

A Jack of All Trades, Master of None

A little background on who this Carlo guy, and why he created a site to reach out to you.


Carlo was raised in the Reno / Tahoe area of Northern Nevada.  He joined the Marine Corps on his 17th birthday, by having him mom sign for him.  He told her he was going to go into the reserves and attended college, but after she signed him up he switched to active duty and told her later.  He became an Infantry Marine and tested for and passed the Recon indoc.  After lots of pain, agony and sweat he became a Recon Marine and deployed in 96” for Operation Southern Watch, living in a desert hide (hole in the ground) watching the Iraqi boarder after Saddam Hussein kicked the UN inspectors out.


He applied and was accepted the Naval Academy Prep-School to refresh his academics after a four year break from school in the Marines, and then he was off to the Naval Academy.  He left the Marine Corps as a Sergeant and the next day found himself as Midshipman “plebe” in Annapolis, being yelled at by teenagers.


Carlo avoid most of the “BS” the Academy had to offer by playing Rugby, Boxing and assuming various roles in the Semper Fi Society.  The hardships of the Academy was a bonding experience and Carlo formed several life-long friends.


Upon graduation he was Commissioned a 2nd Lt in the Marine Corps and spent the next 9 months completing The Basic School and Infantry Officers Course.  He reported to his first command at 1st Battalion, Third Marines to be a Platoon Commander on 1 July 2004.  On the 4th of July the unit deployed and soon found themselves in Iraq.  With in days, his Platoon and Battalion were in Combat and a couple weeks later were Carlo led the Company into the Battle of Fallujah (the largest city battle since Vietnam).  


During the deployment his Battalion lost almost 60 Marines and Sailers and several more were sent back wounded.  Carlo returned with his battle worn platoon and was selected to lead the Marine Corps first Distributed Operations Platoon.  An experimental unit, designed to test new tactics and equipment to improve lethality and communications on the battlefield.  14 days after returning from Combat, Carlo was sent off to train his new platoon.


After training was finished Carlo became the first Infantry JTAC (joint terminal air controller) and took his platoon to Afghanistan to test out the enhanced training and equipment against insurgents.  Carlo and his platoon were sent to the Korengal Valley to clear out the enemy that had just attacked a SEAL unit during Operation Red Wing (They made a movie called Lone Survivor about them).


During that deployment Carlo and his platoon patrolled up and down mountains, and rested at their base, Camp Blessing.  Camp Blessing was the Northern most FOB (forward operations base) in the War on Terrorism at that point, and the closest unit was over 550km away.  Carlo and his platoon bonded and lived with locals.  They ended the deployment with Operation “Mountain Lion” The largest Air Assault also since the battle of Hue City, Vietnam .  His entire Marine Battalion inserted via helicopters under the cover of airstrikes and artillery under the cover of darkness, in the step mountains in Kunar Province.  With the mission of locating and eliminating insurgents in the area; while the valley was surrounded by thousands of Army Troops containing the enemy for the Marines.


Carlo returned and took over the Regimental School house, and was in charge of courses such as: Infantry Squad Leaders Course; Marine Scout Sniper Course; Helicopter, Rope, Suspension Course; Marine Corps Martial Arts Courses to name a few.


Carlo left the Marine Corps as a Captain and began working as Fed, in Quantico, VA.  For the first few years at Marine Corps Systems Command, Carlo was a member of MERS (Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad) and was the Director of a Research Lab called “Gruntworks”.  During this time Carlo repressed the Marine Corps infantry as a Member of NATO and traveled the world, endeavoring to improve equipment integration for the Marine.  


During his time as Director of Gruntworks, Carlo became a subject matter expert on human factors and integration, improving the mobility and ergonomics of Infantry equipment.  Carlo facilitated the development, testing and fielding of several new pieces of kit for the Marines.


Carlo then wrapped up his time in the Federal service as a project Officer for all the Sniper Rifles and Pistols in the Marine Corps, fielding the M40A6 Sniper rifle shortly before he retired.


Carlo them moved back home to his family in Northern Nevada and became a Peace Officer with the Premier agency in the area.  Carlo is currently a Patrol Officer, Hostage Negotiator, Honor Guard member, and loving every minute of it. 


Carlo developed a love for Motorcycles late in life while at Quantico, VA and continues to ride the country on his off time.  Carlo often found the answers to questions about motorcycle equipment he had were, vague, not directly answered or non-existent so he started this website.  


He hopes that with his background and experience evaluating, testing and designing military equipment, he can bring some value to our community with insights for the Adventure Motorcycling community.


Carlo currently rides a 2018 BMW R1200GS Adventure and is documenting his search for the best add-ons, farkles and equipment.  


Carlo’s dream ride is to travel the Americas from the Purdue Bay, Alaska to Playa de Fuego, Argentina.


We hope you enjoy our page, and follow our youtube, facebook and instagram channel!

Ergonomics (from the Greek word ergon meaning work, and nomoi meaning natural laws), is the science of refining the design of products to optimize them for human use.

Definition of ergonomics. 1 : an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. — called also biotechnology, human engineering, human factors. (websters dictionary)


Co-Piot for chase vehicle, shop hand, customer service rep, and Security Manager

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