Aerostich R3 onepiece suit vs Klim vs Rallye 3 vs new Rallye (review)

Aerostich R3 onepiece suit vs Klim vs Rallye 3 vs new Rallye (review)

Aerostich vs Klim vs Rallye 3 vs new Rallye (review)

Hopefully my review will help someone else thinking about the same dilemmas as I was. After much online research reading forums, reviews, videos and trying on stuff at the local dealers; the following is my story.

I had a bit too large Rallye 2 (or 3? black and yellow) jacket for the past 5 years and many miles. I got it new on clearance for a steal. So I put up with the slightly too big jacket for years. 

My thoughts on the Rallye 3 Jacket; I never remove the sleeves riding off road because when I fell I would usually land on my elbows and shoulder so I didn’t see the point of removing the only armor that was actually needed. When walking up hills to scout out lines, or picking up the bike after dropping it and getting too hot I would just quickly take off the jacket and put it on when I was ready to ride again. I did breath well and was good in the heat and cool temps, but not cold without layering.

I just picked up the brand new rally jacket today at my dealership, when I just was going to pick up some hand guards.  Being impulsive with black Friday deals is not good for the pocketbook. My thoughts on the new jacket, it feels so much lighter and softer compared to the old rallye jacket I have. However I weighed them on the scale and they’re exactly the same weight, it must be the new Wooltech material that just feels more flexible and soft then cordura. I had an issue with the old jacket liner leaking in the rain, but I tried a trick from my old military days, of a damp towel with the Gore-tex in the dryer and steaming the Gore-Tex to refresh it. And it seem to work, while trying to do a Iron Butt ride; the Butt burner gold (1500mi/24hrs) I ran into 13 hours of continuous rain on the tail end of my adventure, I had the old rally 3 jacket liner and underneath a heated jacket.

After 13 hours of continuous heavy rain stopping only for gas, at the end only a bit of my neck and my sleeve openings where wet on my heated jacket, but no water made through to my undershirt.  However the jacket was extremely heavy and took a long trying to dry out once I finally completed my ride. I was actually 75 miles short at my 24hr mark, so I only qualified for a butt burner iron butt ride 15000/36hrs….damn rain. If I wasn’t committed to a goal, I definitely will not ride in heavy rain for 13 hours straight on purpose again!

After that I was convinced that going with a outer Gore-Tex shell was the way to go and bought a pair of Klim traverse pants. The pants breathe well when moving and definitely keep the rain out, but they are heavy and are constantly saggy when walking around, off the bike. And as you know Gore-tex only breaths with positive pressure so just sitting in the pants you get pretty warm. The Klim gear is tough stuff, but it doesn’t integrate (zip into) to my jacket so the pants are always sagging, which I fixed by buying a pair of big construction suspenders. 

When buying the new Rallye jacket I figured I would try on the pants, and they feel like you’re wearing sweatpants, they’re so comfortable!  They feel light walking around in them all day, you only realize they’re motorcycle pants due do the knee armor. I like the fact I finally have pants that attach to the jacket so they don’t sag down while sitting, standing, sitting or walking as you ride around. They feel so much lighter and maneuverable then the Klim pants, The rally pants are much more dual sport oriented then the Klim traverse pants, It really is like having a pair of motocross pants on, that just happened to take a Gore-Tex liner if needed.

Living in Northern Nevada I deal with hot temperatures during the summer and spring and very cold temperatures in the fall and winter and try to ride the bike on trails and commute to work as long as there’s no ice or snow on the ground. Last year I ordered a custom tailored Aerostich R3 one-piece suit after my frustrations with having to deal with a Gore-Tex liner.

The thing I love about Aerostich is they are very durable, have great armor and you could wear your street clothes underneath, and within 30 seconds your in an out. With the Rallye 3 and Klim pants I found myself just riding in jeans and the Rallye jacket often.  Due to convince I wasn’t ATGATT. The thing I don’t like about the Aerostich R3 is it’s hot (90+) and when you’re not moving it starts to heat up.  As long as you’re moving it is actually pretty cool in the heat despite being wrapped in a full Gore-Tex “plastic bag”. 

The Stich doesn’t t look that sexy but now that I’m in my 40s, I’ve accepted I’m not as cool as I once thought I was. However taking my GSA some of the dirt trails Nevada has to offer me, and occasionally dropping it (I’m still not good in soft sand, starting to think it’s mental) the one piece Gore-Tex encapsulation is not the best for wearing when physically exerting yourself (1 or 2 piece suits). 

The thing I like about the new rally jacket is that the waterproof/windproof liner can be worn over the jacket if you find yourself in a rain storm. Even in my Aerostitch one piece, if it starts raining I still have to stop to zip up the air vents. No I haven’t timed it but I’m assuming putting a jacket liner over the top of a jacket your wearing isn’t that time consuming. You do lose some reflectivity as the jacket liner is only reflective on the shoulder sleeves and has no reflective strip on the back. 

I think if I was heading out for a long trip or when riding and expecting a lot of rain, I would wear my Aerostich one piece; unless it was a dual sport trip like riding the BDR. For that I would take my rallye suit and deal with the pants not being waterproof. The wooltech rallye material seems like it dries out faster than the old cordura/nylon. I don’t think I would mess with trying to get the Gore-Tex pant liners on in the rain, unless it’s gonna be raining for days at a time. In which case I would just bring my Klim pants (and suspenders) instead.

One good thing about the Gore-Tex liners however is they’re also wind proof; and when riding in Raylle suit during cold temps with all the zippers and vents closed, it still causes you to cool off quickly, because it is so breathable. But with a Gore-Tex liner you really don’t need to wear that many warming layers when writing in cold weather, because it blocks the wind.  It was 22 degrees today and I felt fine on a short ride. Even my Aerostich one piece seems to leak air at the closed zippers. Despite a 30 mile commute in the low 30s to 20s all I need is wind blocking layers underneath and I’ve been fine. I haven’t busted out any of my heated gear yet.

The new rally has tons of Vents. The whole back panel rolls down and becomes one big vent. Or you can just zip down the sides, like other jackets.  I also still has a pouch for a hydration bladder in the back of the jacket. The only downside I can see to the rally jacket is looking like a little bit of a fan boy, however as the guy that owns a one Aerostich suit; apparently I don’t care what other people think I look like . 

I really like that one piece Aerostich suit for commuting, I even wore a suit underneath it for an interview and looked like I just got out of a nice car, after doffing it in 30 seconds. However, they are not cheap and neither is the Rallye gear and if I had to do it again I probably would’ve just gone with the rally gear and put the liners in during the winter to block the wind. I was really hoping the “ride More guarantee” of the Aerostich would make me love it, however it is not that comfortable off the bike, and not a great summer option and definitely sucks when working on and off the bike. 

However if I was going on street road trip and maybe camping along the way, the Aerostich would work great. Because it is great on the road and comes off so quickly.  You can wear your street clothes underneath, take it off in seconds and walk around like a normal(ish) person.  The only you thing you have left to do is figure out what to do with the suit when you take it of, so it doesn’t walk away from the bike when you do.

I looked into and researched BMW’s Enduroguard suit, and on paper and in the videos it looks like the perfect solution to all the deficiencies in all my other gear. However after actually trying it on I learned it wasn’t the holy Grail . It does have some slick features, but it is not as stretchable or pliable as they make it seem. It is very similar to my 1000 weight cordura Aerostich. Now after several months and thousands of miles of riding the Aerostich, it has broken in a bit more, emphasis on a “bit”. However, the new rally jacket and pants felt broken in like a favorite jacket, off the hanger.

I suspect the Enduroguard suit, is much more Street oriented despite the advertising commercials, it was stiff to walk around in and didn’t flow that much air when you’re not moving fast.  The great thing about it, is it does have lots of Vents, and it is waterproof without the need of a shell or liner. Which is why the Enduroguard needs more Vents, because it isn’t as breathable as the wooltech material is on the rallye jacket partly due to the Gore-tex.

I am still very torn on what Gear I would pic if I could only have one set, I think if I wasn’t an adventure rider (read wanna be off-road rider, on too big of a bike) the Aerostich one piece suit would be my choice, if I could only choose one. However, I think a two piece is the way to go if you are doing any type of off-road riding. 

Now I know there’s many other manufacturers out there, I was also on the fence about the Revit’t Sand 3 suit; which I think is probably one of the best bangs for your buck out there for a non-integrated gore-tex suit. After spending a few decades in the Marine Corps, I know even the new Gore-Tex stuff is not that breathable when walking around and exerting yourself.

Therefore after much research and trying on many different types and brands of suits, I think my new BMW rallye suit is one of the best all-around options out there. And with 20% off during Black Friday sales I pulled the trigger and I’m not regretting it. If my old Rallye 3 jacket was the right size for me I think I would’ve been wearing it for another 5 to 10 years and just bought some non-Gore-Tex pants to go along with it.

If I was going to be in a high-speed crash the Aerostich would be my choice to save my butt though.

Fortunately, or unfortunately however you look at it; I’m single and on my second career so I can afford two separate suits for riding. I am a firm believer of wearing all the gear, all the time. And the one piece “stitch” when commuting allows me to do that, and in seconds be in my work clothes and ready to go. 

However when riding for fun, on short trips, and longer adventures; I think there are few choices that are as good as the new BMW Rallye suit!

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